
A feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.
Desire or be curious to know something.
Feel admiration and amazement; marvel.

As wholeminded~wholehearted designers we are in a constant state of deepening our “wonderstanding” about the world around us and the “wonder-filled” work that others are doing. Here are things that are inspiring us at the moment.

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January 3, 2020
January 3, 2020
January 3, 2020
January 3, 2020
May 31, 2016

Janet Echelman: Taking Imagination Seriously

Janet Echelman found her true voice as an artist when her paints went missing — which forced her to look to an unorthodox new art material. Now she makes billowing, flowing, building-sized sculpture with a surprisingly geeky edge. A ...

May 31, 2016

Cindy Foley Think Like an Artist

What is the purpose and value of Art education in the 21st Century? Foley makes the case the Art’s critical value is to develop learners that think like Artists which means learners who are creative, curious, that seek questions, ...

May 31, 2016

David Kelly Creative Confidence

Is your school or workplace divided into “creatives” versus practical people? Yet surely, David Kelley suggests, creativity is not the domain of only a chosen few. Telling stories from his legendary design career and his ...

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